black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Ferramentas e Estratégias para Educadores

Ambiente amigável com conteúdo relevante para educação.

Metodologias Ativas

Explore novas abordagens para engajar seus alunos.

Desenvolva habilidades práticas e criativas com seus alunos.

Acesse conteúdos desenvolvidos por professores.

Portal do Educador

Conectando educadores com ferramentas e metodologias inovadoras para um ensino mais eficaz e colaborativo.

In a classroom setting, a student is standing at the front holding a large poster with illustrations and text. In the foreground, another student is seated at a desk with their hand raised. The classroom has a whiteboard and desks, and the overall environment is one of active learning.
In a classroom setting, a student is standing at the front holding a large poster with illustrations and text. In the foreground, another student is seated at a desk with their hand raised. The classroom has a whiteboard and desks, and the overall environment is one of active learning.
A group of people are engaged in crafting activities in a classroom setting. A woman in the foreground is focused on making something with colorful fabric pieces on a desk. Other individuals in the background are also occupied with crafting materials at their respective desks. The room has a vibrant atmosphere with green walls and natural light filtering through the windows.
A group of people are engaged in crafting activities in a classroom setting. A woman in the foreground is focused on making something with colorful fabric pieces on a desk. Other individuals in the background are also occupied with crafting materials at their respective desks. The room has a vibrant atmosphere with green walls and natural light filtering through the windows.

Serviços Educacionais

Oferecemos ferramentas e estratégias inovadoras para educadores e alunos em um ambiente colaborativo.

Metodologias Ativas
A vintage typewriter with a white paper inserted into it is displayed. The paper has the phrase 'INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter is set on a green grassy background.
A vintage typewriter with a white paper inserted into it is displayed. The paper has the phrase 'INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING' typed in bold letters. The typewriter is set on a green grassy background.

Aprimore suas aulas com abordagens que incentivam a participação e o aprendizado ativo dos alunos.

A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper inserted. The paper has the words 'MAKER SPACES' typed in bold letters. The typewriter is placed on a rustic wooden surface, adding a classic and nostalgic feel.
A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper inserted. The paper has the words 'MAKER SPACES' typed in bold letters. The typewriter is placed on a rustic wooden surface, adding a classic and nostalgic feel.
A group of young children sits at wooden desks in a classroom setting, with a teacher assisting them. The children are engaged in writing or drawing activities, wearing clothing typical of an earlier era. The teacher leans over to help some of the children, indicating an interactive and attentive learning environment. The room has a minimalist design with a blackboard and simple furniture.
A group of young children sits at wooden desks in a classroom setting, with a teacher assisting them. The children are engaged in writing or drawing activities, wearing clothing typical of an earlier era. The teacher leans over to help some of the children, indicating an interactive and attentive learning environment. The room has a minimalist design with a blackboard and simple furniture.
Cultura Maker

Inspire a criatividade e a inovação através de projetos práticos e colaborativos na educação.

Acesso a Cursos

Plataforma de Aprendizado

Contato Rápido

A vintage typewriter is placed on a surface with a grassy background, holding a sheet of paper with the words 'Blended Learning' typed on it.
A vintage typewriter is placed on a surface with a grassy background, holding a sheet of paper with the words 'Blended Learning' typed on it.

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